Star Wars Episode IX – Retcon of The Jedi

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order might be the greatest Star Wars trailer I've ever seen. Of course, I'm leaving out the trailer for Episode IX: Something something something Skywalker because I made a commitment not to see that flaming trash pile of...

Diary of A Linux Gamer – Crisis Averted

"Why are you using Linux anyway?" a community member asks me. I honestly don't have a good answer without going on a rant. I would argue that Linux is not for everyone, and as I said last time it is not for many gamers. However, Linux is rapidly being set up to be the...

The New Console Wars

The Console Wars have existed for as long as there have been competing markets. I used to get in fights with my brothers about the Gameboy versus the Atari Lynx. Eventually it was the N64 versus the Playstation and then Playstation 2 versus Xbox and then Xbox360 versus Playstation 3. It's a constant back and forth...

Diary of A Linux Gamer – The First Steps

For the past week I have used a Linux operating system on my gaming PC exclusively. It has been an experience and one that I would like to share for any of my fellow PC gamers out there that may be wanting to shake things up a bit. Windows has long had a stranglehold on...

Faction Warfare

Have you ever seen someone with a Horde or Alliance sticker on the back of their vehicle? Once upon a time, players of World of Warcraft took great pride in their faction of choice. Choosing Horde or Alliance had serious consequences and it has caused no short amount of strife among friends that choose to support the opposite faction. I feel like...

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